Thursday 5 March 2009

Monica Lewinsky is back!

Meh, you've probably already had that on email. I'm lazy, sue me.


Anonymous said...


Little Squirrel....

(Tee Hee)


Gorilla Bananas said...

Looks as if she's more of a tickler than a blower these days.

Anonymous said...


But I'm not sure I buy it...who would be stupid enough to get on Michelle's bad side? That woman looks as if she could open one bad can of whupass on you if she were so inclined.

Belle said...

I haven't seen it yet. I delete all forwards before I even open them. This, however, is probably a reason not to.

Red Squirrel said...

Sweet Cheeks - :)

gb - that might be the hair tickling, but it's hard to say...

Jan - I'm sure you're right, but power corrupts and absolute power...

Belle - quality over quantity. I always delete forwards from my mum as they're invariably ones I had in 1996, but switched on colleagues *taps nose*