Wednesday 12 November 2008

Not a morning person....

My favourite way to wake up

Slowly drifting awake about 10am on a weekend with sun filtering through the curtains (but not actually on the bed to make it too hot) with the soft relaxing feeling that comes from knowing that you have nothing at all to do today and can go back to sleep for a few hours. This is even improved with your love curled up next to you, provided that she is not snoring.

My least favourite way to wake up

In a hotel in Tokyo in a blind panic because the ambulance outside your window has the exact same siren as the UK Civil Defense warning that meant a nuclear bomb was on the way. This may even make you nakedly run to your hotel window and frantically look out like some kind of flashing mime artiste.


Agent Elle said...

Heheheheh oh, the mental imagery!

P said...

I go for option 1 - so much easier!

Simply Curious said...

I don't snore. :-\

weenie said...

You dodgy flasher you! Any excuse, eh?

Glamourpuss said...

You flashed your bits in Tokyo? Hilarious.


Red Squirrel said...

elle - I'd like to think the scared expression on my befuddled face inspired the original Ring movies...

paula - option 2 wasn't exactly by choice :)

curious - no, no you don't. :)

weenie - it was an accident, honest!

puss - I woke up terrified I was about to be vaporised by a nuclear strike. Flashing seemed less important at the time...