Sorry, but as someone held hostage to Winter's Second Coming, just the SIGHT of a word like "Barcelona" is just too incredible for words.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, it's like across the fucking street for you, but believe me when I tell you that there's just not a Minnesota equivalent to such a statement. We just can't pop in to other countries around here. Canada? Toronto is lovely -- so I hear - but not in March! And Mexico? We've been, we've been already!
Barcelona. Pffft.
p.s. Really, it's just jealousy. Have fun. Take pics. I have no idea what the place looks like...
Enjoy!! Make sure you get one of those black lacy shawls! And, of course, a rose between your lips!
And, happy birthday!
Give my regards to Manuel. Wait, he's in England...
Happy birthday on Saturday and hope you have a great time in Barcelona!
Barcelona? Barcelona?! What, in SPAIN?!
Sorry, but as someone held hostage to Winter's Second Coming, just the SIGHT of a word like "Barcelona" is just too incredible for words.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, it's like across the fucking street for you, but believe me when I tell you that there's just not a Minnesota equivalent to such a statement. We just can't pop in to other countries around here. Canada? Toronto is lovely -- so I hear - but not in March! And Mexico? We've been, we've been already!
Barcelona. Pffft.
p.s. Really, it's just jealousy. Have fun. Take pics. I have no idea what the place looks like...
Happy Birthday Little Squirrel!
Take pictures and have a fabulous time!
Please don't get arrested....
Happy Birthday Sqwirrely and remember - be good or be good at it!
While he's away and there's no news for us, have a check out of this...
Roshni - thanks! :)
gb - instead I gave my regards to every other waiter. Someone told me that 'dos cervesas' means 'I come from Barcelona'. It certainly worked.
weenie - thanks. Glad to see you're still clinging on at work. If you're the last person there, will you have to turn out the lights?
Pearl - pictures were taken (sort of) and will be appearing soon. It's a pretty beautiful city, though Gaudi was a nutjob.
Sweet Cheeks - arrested? Moi? I'm a well behaved squirrel so I am :)
Belle - thank you, and I shall strive to be better at it then :-P
Alfamale - are you spamming my blog? I was *so* going to buy you a beer as well .... :-P
Just thought you were the one person in the world who could name all the films. Thanks for the cup of tea anyway. Toodlepip.
Alfa male
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